Monday, June 18, 2012

We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard

Woke up a little late this morning (8 o'clock). But we still stuck with our plans and went mountain biking at Green Mountain which in reality wasn't very green. It was a magically shadeless mountain. Seriously how can you have different sides and slopes but no shade? Riddle me that. Anyway we were cruising along the trail when we came to the realization that we were definitely doing the loop backwards. That's when Clint remembered reading that we were supposed to ride it counter clockwise. Which we naturally weren't. The epic intermittent hike a bike on the sunny side in the very very dry 90s and me being the only one who brought water got a little scary for the last 1/2 mile when we stopped sweating. After a killer uphill the downhill was pretty short... We couldn't have done the loop worse. But still a fun day with some good laughs and inspirational speeches. I'd like to credit late president Kennedy for the Moon speech. After that it was a Ton of water, a couple beers and a well deserved rest. I look forward to doing this trail the right direction though because what we went up would be awesome to go down.

Getting gopro footage to the web has still escaped my clutches. I have Mike Lund on it so hopefully it'll be out soon provided he is not providing Hunter with more cellphone footage.

Oh also I think I have fixed the commenting issue.  Still don't know if subscription by e-mail is working.  Some of you have said that you subscribed but I have nothing on this end.  If it is working let me know.

Peace out and goodnight!

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