Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Birch Lake

Today I arrived at birch lake at 6 a.m. after getting up at 4:30.  I launched the kayak and caught my first fish, a white bass within 10 minutes.  I thought wow this is going to be easy pickings...  3 p.m. I left the lake with only one white bass, three bluegill and a couple bites to show for it.  Haha so much for easy!  I released all the fish I caught, too small.  Birch Lake was beautiful though and had fairly clear water, didn't stink, and was nestled into thickly wooded hills.  The coves were full of dead tree stands that were fun to weave through with the kayak, minus the spider webs to the face.  Crazy thing about Oklahoma is that the bugs are all on steroids.  Mayflies are about an inch to an inch and a half long and they aren't the delicate little flies I am used to, these bad boys are beefy and fugly.  The sounds of bugs in the trees is near deafening, the forest in general here is obnoxious.   Constant noise, sounds like a jungle. 

Having spent a full workday out on the lake I was sunburnt...  8 hours of sunshine is A LOT of sunshine.  I even brought the the sunscreen with me.  But it was like fighting a forest fire with a fire extinguisher.  I was able to save my face but skin on the tops of my knees aren't going to make it...

Speaking of forest fires looks like I got out of Colorado just in time!  Sad deal.  I passed those houses that are on fire right now on my way in.  Crazy the difference a little time can make, that entropy it'll get you every damn time.  I am probably going to be heading out tomorrow after doing some MTB at Turkey Mountain in Tulsa, OK in the morning.  Probably be fishing the white river and camping in the Ozarks in Arkansas tomorrow night.  After that I gotta start swinging farther south so I can hit Jacksonville, North Carolina to see my cousin Kyle.  Not sure he even knows I am coming...  Probably should try and get in touch with him...,+OK&daddr=36.0993,-94.34875+to:36.0479,-94.14208+to:35.99925,-93.42353+to:35.79277,-93.11431+to:34.869,-91.29322+to:34.68346,-91.13195+to:33.64586,-86.98281+to:33.18122,-81.18488+to:32.82658,-79.83688+to:Jacksonville,+NC&hl=en&ll=36.738884,-91.230469&spn=21.455423,50.273437&sll=36.202174,-93.529358&sspn=1.354138,3.14209&geocode=FeNtKQIdiF9J-imDaY0S_O-2hzGwkksb8e6ooQ%3BFeTUJgIdMlpg-ilL39_reHbJhzFQYk0Mx5YF2w%3BFRwMJgIdgIFj-ilJDSeez2jJhzEuaqx74mHHuQ%3BFRJOJQIdVnhu-in3ToDWgKLOhzHYvZWhg-pLwQ%3BFYInIgIdOjBz-imjKuAxZivMhzFldBNNytOC4w%3BFQgPFAId3PmO-im1Fgu3T2fThzGE7xi-TK5Qgg%3BFUQ6EQId0m-R-inZqwjk_qXUhzGGD2xctK-anA%3BFSRlAQIdZr_Q-ikvxdv3wfuIiDEgpfiobJ9BJg%3BFSRO-gEdkDcp-yl7lAAFmBX5iDFpB6redJ4Vaw%3BFdTk9AEdMMk9-ynxHei483H-iDFHzoHvKZzuSQ%3BFQROEgIdH4Ji-ykjZnRyHAWpiTFBLwU_6yGPUA&oq=Owa&t=h&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=9&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&z=5

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