Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lost Lake and Boulder Colorado

Woke up late again...  But we were able to get some job apps in - not for me of course I am happily retired - and still have enough time to head up to Boulder, CO for some hiking and brew tasting.  We went up Canyon Road to Nederland then to Hessie Trailhead to go to Lost Lake.  It was a super easy, 2 mile if your in a passenger car or 1.5 mile if you have an SUV hike with about an 800ish elevation gain.  The trail was nice with a waterfall and lots of wildflowers in route.  The lake was nice and I saw a bunch of fish jumping, as well as pikas. 

I want to go camping at some of the deeper lakes in the wilderness area.  They require permits to enter and camp but I don't think that they will be hard to obtain.  The fishing should be good and from the looks of fish behavior at Lost Lake easy enough to catch.  One major problem I am starting to see is time....  I want to be in New York by July 4th....  But I also could explore these lakes and mountains forever.  Think I'll just get to New York late maybe mid Julyish?

One thing is for certain I need to get out of the comfort of Clint's abode.  It would be easy to get complacent as well as overstay my welcome.  The latter is coming up fast.  So tomorrow I will be back camping under the stars regardless of whether I stick around or head east.

Fishing licenses for non-residence in Colorado are pretty damn reasonable.  $21 for a 5 day license.  So I need to capitalize on this. Here are some photos from the lost lake hike.


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