Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dodge City

I know you all couldn't sleep last night because you were wondering how the white drum/mystery fish was.... So I will no longer delay feeding you baby birds. Was it edible? In the sense that I could chew it up and swallow it, yes. Should it be eaten? Absolutely not. Did I finish it? Yes, but only because I killed it and was way way hungry. Why was it so bad? For one it was a big fish that yielded almost no meat and for the other it's texture was rubbery and it was fishy in a bad way... I burnt one fillet and it was a little better, but burning it to pure carbon would have been tastier. Are all Mexican's liars? No, but the one who told me that fish was good sure was. Am I going to do this entire update in question answer format? Yes, because I feel like it. Do I hate Kansas? You're damn right I do. Only been through a little of it but so far it blows both figuratively and literally. Also, a little known history fact. Ready? Ok, so the Gunfight at OK corral killed all the white people in Dodge City. Crazy right? And their descendants have never returned until me... I am pretty sure that I may be hung for a criminal lack of melanin. Can't wait to get the hell outta Dodge! I am doing laundry right now and i have to swing into a saloon, have a shot of whiskey- preferably warm - spit on the floor, walk outta the swinging doors bull legged and jump on my bike like its a horse and say Gitty up and pedal away... Why? Because I'm in gosh damn dodge city, Kansas. Told you I was going to do this whole post QA style didn't I? Yes i did.

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