
For those of you who haven't had the "pleasure" of listening to my drunken self-promoting rants for the last few months allow me to explain the purpose of this blog.  For the last several years I have been living in Idaho Falls working at the Idaho National Laboratory as an Industrial Hygienist.  For those of you who don't know what an industrial hygienist is google it.... Welcome back. Now that its been googled you know that it is the most glorious and entertaining career ever! In all seriousness though it really was a good high paying job up until I quit.

Who quits a high paying job in this economy!?  Apparently this guy...  but it was far from an easy decision.  In the end it all came down to priorities. My schedules were constantly being changed, my commute was killer, my new management was distant, and the dude I shared a cubicle with was offensive to all 5 senses possibly even a 6th (sometimes I swear I could actually see his stench). The combination of odd scheduling and living in Idaho Falls had me missing a good group of friends and a great family.  I guess what I am trying to say is, I was and am very grateful for the opportunity that USU and the INL gave me, but it was time for me to take my life back.  The decision was made easier for me because of all the currencies in the world I value time the most.  They aren't making any more of it and you are constantly spending it so I want to spend mine wisely.

Sitting on my duffer Wikipediaing for hours, and researching how to make USU the best football team in the country all while in my cubicle wasn't really giving me the best bang for my buck (though someday if I am on a game show it may pay off, and Gary give me a shout we need to collaborate, GO AGGIES!).  Here I was fortunate enough to be hopefully baby, wife, debt and responsibility free and I was living a life of quiet desperation!  If I am going to be doing a boring job every day I better have A) a lovely wife B) a cute kid or C) have a giant diesel guzzling impractical lifted truck with swampers and a slednecks or skin industries sticker in the rearview making it all worth it.  But alas I had d) none of the above so it was time to gtfo and seize the carp.  So I traded my Titan in for a Ford Fiesta and quit my job to go live a life worth telling stories about.

Itinerary? I don't have one and really wouldn't have it any other way.  I just want to GO and DO.  I do "need" to be in New York to see my friend Bryan for the 4th of July, but how I get there and where I go after is completely up to me.  True freedom. I have always dreamed of it and for at least a few months I can honestly live my dream.  I hope you decide to follow the blog :)

A little hurricane wisdom:
We all make decisions in our lives.  Some are good some are bad.  What really makes a decision good or bad isn't always the decision itself but what we DO next.  Quitting my job could easily be the worst decision of my life if I let it, but what I am going to DO next will instead make it the highlight of my life.  Our time is finite and precious so always be "down to DO" and NEVER go quietly into the night! 

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