Beer Reviews

Well after only two beers in to my trip I noticed a slight problem....  I just really like beer.  When I am drinking a beer that beer is the best beer in all zeee woooorld....  So I don't know how the beer reviews will be.  Might all say different variations of best beer ever.  But I shall try.  Just a disclaimer I am not a professional.  But I'm pretty good at drinking beer.

Buffalo Gold- Boulder Beer
Delicious and refreshing.  Screams summer and feels thick but smooth...  Taste like it has a touch of honey and is a little nutty.  Having one after a long wrong direction trail ride in 90 degree heat is always a good idea. Do I recommend it? Well ya.

Avalanche Amber- Breckenridge Brewing
Delicious...  A little more replicable than the Gold.  It's an amber so the 90 degree heat may not be the right companion for this beer.  But as I am drinking it I am a happy man and it taste like a full flavor amber.  Would I recommend it? Obviously.

Single Track Copper Ale- Boulder Beer
While I am drinking this there are 11 wonderful looking beers before me.  These reviews will likely get more interesting as I work my way through them.  Back to the Single Track.  Love the name and its a good subtle lighter beer with just a little hoppy flavor.  Super smooth, tasty, and easy to drink.

Sweaty  Betty Blonde-Boulder Beer
Bad....  So bad taste like as Clint calls it dentist office beer.  Taste chemical.  It's a hef that makes you pucker your face.  Stay clear it should be called sweaty balls.  Gross.

Kinda Blue Blueberry Wheat-Boulder Beer
Let me start off by saying I hate fruit in my beer, I even hate fruit on my pizza....  I like fruit illegally migrating into my food about as much as Arizonians love Mexicans.  That said this beer is delicious.  The blueberry is so sneaky.  You just take a sip and are enjoying this nice good wheat beer when outta nowhere the blueberry comes in and gives you a tiny little peck...  Your a little upset at first because your like who do you think you are kissing me?  But then you want to take her home.  Love it.

Hazed and Infuzed- Boulder Beer
A slightly hoppy amber with lighter than usual color.  Not bitter at all though in spite of the generous hops.  Super delicious and very drinkable beer with just the right amount of flavor.  Could have another.

Nitrogen Infused Flashback Indian Brown Ale- Boulder Beer
Feels light and foamy.  Similar texture to guinness.  A good light flavored hoppy brown ale. Prefer my browns with nutty flavor...  Which makes me sad.
Regular Carbon Dioxide Flashback
Same as above just with pop rocks

Planet Porter- Boulder Beer
Like King's Peak but with a little more coffee flavor but less of that deep toned stout flavor I love.  Good change of pace porter.  King's Peak is still the King though.

Mojo India Pale Ale- Boulder Beer
Taste like flashback... If flashback hit the gym and took some hop steroids.  Not too hoppy though its no Hopzilla.  One word..... Delicious

All the brewers choice beers on the sample platter were gross.  Don't try to make my beer winey, I love beer because like a good dog it never complains.  Barley wines must be stopped.  The brewers chose and they chose poorly. 
Busch Light-Anheuser Busch Company
When you open a Busch Light you open a Pandora's box of freedom...  Freedom is best drank responsibly in the back woods of Arkansas.  I came about this choice by opening several recycling bins (yes, they have recycling in Arkansas, don't mention that Wi-Fi sheeet, but recycling they have a grasp of).  There was a lot o Busch...  You know what they say "when in Arkansas do as the Arkansians do..."  Some of you may be saying that Busch Light is not beer review worthy?  But all I can say to you is shut'up ya dirty hippies.  Wolverines!  This is Merica gosh damn't! I'll review what I wants! 

With the prologue complete, Busch Light taste a lot like urine.... If America took a glorious piss. By that I mean it is not particularly delicious, but the tiny bits of real freedom added have you wanting another.  So you just keep drinking it even though it taste kinda like urine, your like Bear Grylls, you just can't get enough of the stuff.  I've only had a couple but I already feel like shoot'n sumptin, squeeellin tyres, my approval rating of the Bush administration went up, and I'm invincible.  A'merica!

Note:  When writing this review I drank Busch as it was meant to be drank....  In excess...
Always drink responsibly; if you drink don't drive, hide your ammunition, and don't pet the wild animals.

SweetWater Extra Pale Ale- SweetWater brewing company
Says right on the bottle a West Coast flavored pale ale...  I'd have to agree.  Taste like a lot of other pale ales but maybe a little less hoppy flavorThough it may not be abounding with flavor it is definitely crisp, and easy to drink.  First southern microbrew tested out and so far so good.

Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale- Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company
Yum.  For those of you who have had Bitteroot Brewing's Nut Brown this is very comparable only sweeter.  It's rich nutty and has a unique touch of sweetness from the use of Pecan's.  Really good beer.

Blowing Rock High Country Ale- Boone Brewing Company
Perhaps the most drinkable beer I have ever drank.  Smooooothhhh.  It's almost sweet and activates those senses but it is perfectly balanced with some hop bitterness, and malt fullness...  Basically every taste receptor you want firing, is firing.  No one flavor is over-powering they all mesh together in a crescendo of awesomeness.  Don't you change a thing baby girl you are just right the way you are.

Deadeye Jack- Lonerider Brewing Company
With eyes black as coal Deadeye Jack stares coldly into your soul, ask, "Wouldja like some roasted chocolate coffee tasting goodness?"  Hell yes, creepy man I would love some.  Love some I did.  Those little liquified roasted bits of chocolate were delicious.  Don't be fooled its not a sweet beer its a deep dark malt, roasted with chocolates dark as night, chocolates so dark they taste like coffee.  Good Morning.    

Public Pale- DC Brav
Well it's a pale.  I love pales.  And this one didn't change that.  It is a particularly hoppy pale kind of similar to a Snake River's.  Good job east coast.  But don't think your off the hook that easy, I am watching you.

Duck Rabbit Hoppy Bunny Black Ale 
Name award officially won.  A good black ale nice and dark.  Not bitter just smooth and thick and slightly chocolatey.  Not a coffee flavored black like the Deadeye, just a good thick roasted flavor malt.
Hippity Hoppity Happily on my way! Sorry, had to do it....      

Optimator-review coming soon  

Genesee- Genesee Brewing Company
Simply put Genesee is the busch light of the Northeast.  But, it has cooler grenade shaped bottles.  +1

Hefeweizen-Adirondack Brewing Company
Turrible...  Never get a hef east of the continental divide.  Just don't...

Dirty Blonde Ale-Adirondack Brewing Company
I was skeered after my recent blonde experiences.  But Adirondack Brewing Company came through.  Wheat beer that doesn't taste dentist officey.    Citrusy but full beer flavor.  I like it, finally some hope for wheat beer in the east.

Cafe Vero Stout-Adirondack Brewing Company
Imagine the best coffee you have ever had... Now imagine it with frothy beer goodness and alcohol.  Shazam!!!  You have Cafe Vero Stout.  It taste and feels fresh outta the french press my god it's just too good.  No, seriously where is the brewmaster I'm going to slap him.

Bear Naked Ale-Adirondack Brewing Company
A lil weird... You know those beers that you drink half of it and can't decide if you love it or hate it?  Well, this is one of those beers.  Allow me to stew....  Ok the vote is in.  It's good.  It has a good heart but the aromatic perfumey flavors, though subtle I could do without.


1 comment:

  1. You really sold me on the blueberry beer..I will take one of those!
