Thursday, June 14, 2012

Maiden Post 6/14/2012

Hello, blogosphere.  I have no idea what I am doing in creating this blog so please bare with this format until I get it all figured out.  However, setting up this blog sure feels like a flash back to my angsty MySpace days.  Ultimately I want to have different tabs so I can organize the blog into beer reviews, biking, videos, photos, gear etc....  But until I get that figured out this stream will have to do (any tips are encouraged).  I also looked at a couple blogs to help me out.  I found some cool ideas from the Tanner blog (and found out that dividing it into subcategories was possible) RIP Tanner you may be gone but not forgotten.  I also looked at Mr. Rudes blog to get a good idea of how bad a blog can be.  It is the worst.  So I would like to thank zombie Tanner and Bryan for the contrast.

Today I went to REI to pick up some trip essentials.  Let's just say that preparing for radness is not cheap.  It hurt so bad, but for my kidney I was able to purchase a sleeping pad, water purifier, nalgene, headlamp, and a GoPro Hero 2.  The last one hurt the most.  But a wise man once said, "If your getting rad and no one is there to see it, did you really get rad?"  So I had to.  If I don't record my adventures it is like it never happened.  I can't have that.  Also what is the point in doing something awesome if you can't rub it in your friends faces?  


  1. Hibler.... I am excited to follow your blog and can't wait to see what awesome things you are going to be doing. Be careful and have fun!
