Tuesday, June 26, 2012


After getting the hell outta Dodge City, Kansas; I set off to get the hell out of Kansas in general.  I will have to admit it improved a little after Pratt, Kansas and into Wichita.  But after the sign that said, "I would turn back if I were you" I knew I wasn't going to spend the night in Kansas.  I have seen a horror film or two in my day... I know whats up.  So on to Oklahoma it was.

When I was going to school at USU I was lucky enough to work with a kid named Marcus Pratt. Who happens to be from Owasso, Oklahoma.  I am staying in his wonderful parents house as we speak (or type, really its just me typing, you are just reading, hmmm.... time for a modern idiom?).  Marcus is one of if not my best friend from college.  We had many adventures including a bear hunting trip to Montana for three weeks, and the next summer we returned to work on a ranch in Sula, Montana.  Working on that ranch was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never forget.  I even met good ole Mitt Romney on that ranch, the future almost but not quite going to win, President of the United States.  Of all my college memories I miss that year when Marcus and I were full fledged outdoors-men the most.  Meeting Marcus, I also got to meet the absolute best family I have or likely will ever meet.  The Pratt's are truly remarkable, kindness and love is not an emotion or a way of life for them it's an instinct, it's as effortless as breathing.  So when Paul Pratt said I could stay as long as I like and eat all their food and use all their recreational equipment I knew it wasn't just polite ritual, he truly meant it and truly wanted me to stay, eat, and play. 

So play I have.  After getting in early yesterday, I slept until noon in the all too comfy bed.  It was much needed, with the heat I hadn't been getting more then four hours of sleep a night in the outdoors.  I shot a long bow last night with Paul for the first time in my life and even though I had to shoot it aiming with my blind eye it turns out I am a natural.  Another hobby to get into I guess :). 

This morning I woke up dark and early and loaded up the canoe onto the ford fiesta (it's quite the sight) and went out to try my luck on Birch Lake before it got too hot.  Well after closing the garage door I realized I forgot to grab a life vest....  I also forgot to grab the sheet of paper with the garage door code on it.  So I went to Wal-Mart bought my license and returned to try and get into the house...  Like a bear in hibernation there was no waking Paul.  I knocked, I rang, I called, but he was deep in slumber and it was of no use.  So I sat out on the front porch for over two hours and watched the sun go from just dancing beams of light through the trees to sitting high on its throne.  Without AC the sun is a cruel king down south...  Finally, after hours Paul awoke to the sound of my call.  He gave me the code, apologizing the entire time even though my haste was the one to blame.  I hurriedly grabbed everything I needed and headed out onto the road enthusiasm undeterred by the mornings misfortunes.  I chose a closer destination though to maximize my time before it got unbearably hot.  Lake Oolagah.  The scenery was good the lake was large, muddy, and full of coves.  Everything I imagined Oklahoma lakes would be.  I tried every lure I had and didn't get a single bite...  Maybe bass fishing isn't my thing?  I had a great day paddling though and got to see a large bobcat limping along the lake with a broken leg.  It was whining just like a dejected house cat and I wished for a gun, lethal or tranq,  to put the animal down or get fixed up more then anything in the world.  Far to beautiful of an animal for the fate that awaits it...  Tomorrow, I will wake up dark and early again and this time it is Birch Lake or bust!

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