Saturday, June 23, 2012

Out of the Pike

Finally left the Pike National forest. Since I last blogged, I got to enjoy one of the premier trout streams in the nation the south fork of the platte. It didn't disappoint. I caught my first fish with a streamer and it was a nice brown. Best part of this river is that it was mostly sight fishing in clear mountain water. Sight fishing has its challenges an you have to be sneaky and can't afford a miscast or to lay the fly down too hard. But there is nothing cooler then watching a fish blow up your fly! All fish had to be better then 16 to eat and the smallest one I caught was 14. Biggest was 17.5 but the "one that got away" was 20+ but with no net and swift water I couldn't bring it in. Caught fish on caddis, parachute Adams and one on an olive streamer. The Adams did most of the work especially this morning. Ate the keepers for dinner and lunch today. Only kept what I could eat in within an hour. Last night I forewent the tent an just crashed on the ground in the forest. Still slept hot! It was 109 when I rolled into the reservoir. Oh ya the reservoir! I was going to make it too Dodge City, Kansas tonight but stopped at this reservoir on the way called John Martins reservoir just to see it. Then they had me at shower and laundry. So here I am sipping on beer and catching white drum and channel cats. Caught three while writing this... Life is good today.

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  1. Can't believe I forgot some good material. Met a dude on the platte who had the biggest man crush on me ever spent 30 minutes showing me his firearms and talking about coyote hunting. Then asked me if I lived in the area and invited me to come chill and shoot some coyotes.... I respectfully declined. Also 30 minutes ago for the first time in my life I caught a fish and didn't know what in the hell it was. Looked like a Carp white bass love child. Turns out its a white drum the mexican next to me says good eat"

  2. Internet is not so convinced haha... But we shall see.

  3. pictures son! we need pics to describe it all
