Saturday, June 30, 2012


Like all worthwhile stories, this one started out by accident.  I was supposed to go to Buffalo point, but I took a wrong turn and wound up going down a long dirt road past several shanty’s; complete with occupants in stained clothes, sitting on the front porch drinking out of mason jars.  It was like a hillbilly collection set, and I had collected all the pieces.  In spite of this monumental accomplishment I decided to try for more and continue on…  To be honest, hillbillies don’t scare me all too much.  I know their weakness, Jesus and blind patriotism…   So if I get in trouble I know am just one patriotic speech or “what would Jesus do” away from safety.  But the hillbilly’s are not the star of this story; a fish is, a fish, and a moment.

I was relieved to see that at the end of this long, steep, windy dirt road there were other campers…  Just one set, but people none the less.  My relief soon subsided when I realized these were locals probably just camping down at the end of their street.  It was of no matter, it was getting late in the day and I had little choice but to stay.  So I quickly set about setting up my tent with the absent minded efficiency that only comes from having done something too many times.  I then searched for a pay area but none was to be found.  Free camping. Score! 

I grabbed the rod and reel and my bag of freshly bought lures and headed to the river.  This part of the Buffalo was slow, warm, and mossy. This didn’t have me bounding with optimism, but I needed dinner.   About a half mile or more upstream I found some fast water, free of moss and threw out.  Fish on!  My jig hook to lure ratio was off and the fish didn’t stay on.  This would happen about six more times before the light turned on that I needed a bigger hook.  Finally after the correction I hook one and land it, about a twelve inch smallmouth.  The limit is one and it must be over eighteen inches so my search for dinner continues. 

I quickly fish out the fast water and have to move upstream into slow moving deep water.  I cast out expecting nothing.  During my retrieve I see a large tube-like shape in pursuit, it’s a three foot spotted gar!  I cast again and hook into a fish and it is giving me a tussle.  The entire time I am hoping it’s a gar.  The fish leaps….. It’s another smally, but bigger than the last.  I land the fish, release it and target the gar again.  He strikes!  I couldn’t set the hook… I try and try again, getting multiple strikes but setting the hook into that thin bony mouth proves impossible.  I move upriver.  I am probably a mile or more upriver at this point and the tracks in the sand have slowly become mine and mine alone.  Light is getting scarce and the sun is barely providing more light then the large waxing gibbous moon hanging overhead.  One more bend I say… 

Two bends later I find myself at the confluence of a small stream.  The light from the sun and moon is equal now, making every object look like its giving off its own gentle glow.  I wade towards the inlet and cast out.  Another gar is in pursuit!  He hits and this time he stays on!  For all of about five seconds, when he decides to release the lure…  I never had him.  I cast again, this time deeper into the ripples created by the small stream.  Wham, this time whatever it is, is on!  Rocketing out of the water is a large smallmouth bass.  With my two pound test line and four foot light action rod we are equals, and he is all I can handle.  For what seems like hours, we battle back and forth, and during the long fight I lose focus and look around, I see a buck crossing the river upstream, fireflies are beginning to dance all around, granite cliffs with dark water stains stand as a barrier separating the river from the forest, the world is aglow with a supernatural light, an old bass is struggling for its life, and then there is me; just one of the universe’s windows of consciousness, but in that moment I was showing the universe something truly remarkable.


Explaining my time in Arkansas...  Will be impossible.  Books have been written with less material then Arkansas gave me in three days.  Which story would I even tell?  The one about a man who became a boy, windows, or the night of the living coons?  I can only do so much with my limited writing skills.  I wish I were a real writer...  What a story I could tell.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So far...

Just copy and paste this beast,+UT&daddr=Moab,+UT+to:39.7256096,-105.041695+to:40.00943,-105.2761+to:Denver,+CO+to:39.6956,-104.9933+to:39.4064711,-105.4731544+to:39.3436626,-105.2787987+to:39.33873,-105.34188+to:39.24456,-105.21548+to:39.10108,-105.15023+to:Colorado+Springs,+CO+to:38.20967,-104.18201+to:38.078151,-102.9390469+to:36.69503,-96.85303+to:36.54745,-96.12907+to:36.50239,-96.16526+to:36.28139,-95.92397+to:36.43782,-95.68658+to:Owasso,+OK&hl=en&ll=37.68382,-89.165039&spn=21.194374,50.273437&sll=36.45995,-95.93605&sspn=0.337423,0.785522&geocode=FRgpcgIdM_JX-SldukDWiVJShzG9Oq-STIHqpg%3BFQSVTAId8WZ4-SmNLbia5eFHhzEtxNXxerEyCw%3BFSkqXgId4TC9-SkP0ckLroBrhzEaOE7OsYNGPA%3BFdZ-YgIdPJ25-Slf_oRbMOxrhzEFLPW8WZ61gw%3BFd9YXgIdcg---SnPFx8jqoBrhzHWNoon-PSOEQ%3BFfC0XQId7O29-SlXj1e_qX9shzGMQPjUEa9_Pw%3BFYdLWQIdfpu2-SmDr2MXQRJrhzEX3NrzZ8oHHQ%3BFS5WWAIdspK5-SnrpSyIBGlrhzEbBRVgUFXXWA%3BFepCWAIdSJy4-SkT6oQFumtrhzGr7WGokYIaUg%3BFRDTVgIdCIq6-SkvBwEeM0NrhzECGnc5wClotg%3BFZiiVAId6oi7-Smptd-oH1FrhzH-Yo4EwTDC4Q%3BFdqOUAIdjY3A-Skr0uahLkEThzETa-j1kuuOQQ%3BFYYIRwIdBk_K-SmvCC_DqE4ShzHatBhsxRtL3A%3BFccGRQIdWkbd-SkJtt89tNENhzGR6FeTSni2qg%3BFfbrLwId2iM6-imN97D3auywhzH3gMaYki85Gg%3BFXqrLQId0i9F-ilXIyLs5yO3hzGGoP_CGiGF1A%3BFXb7LAIddKJE-ikl65uF2ia3hzF_IO7zxlMmww%3BFS6cKQId_lBI-imh4kQKjO-2hzHy65ZGStkQfQ%3BFTz_KwIdTPBL-ilvbCS3A1W2hzFFm2nIXkV0zw%3BFeNtKQIdiF9J-imDaY0S_O-2hzGwkksb8e6ooQ&oq=Ow&t=h&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=16&sz=11&via=2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18&z=5

Birch Lake

Today I arrived at birch lake at 6 a.m. after getting up at 4:30.  I launched the kayak and caught my first fish, a white bass within 10 minutes.  I thought wow this is going to be easy pickings...  3 p.m. I left the lake with only one white bass, three bluegill and a couple bites to show for it.  Haha so much for easy!  I released all the fish I caught, too small.  Birch Lake was beautiful though and had fairly clear water, didn't stink, and was nestled into thickly wooded hills.  The coves were full of dead tree stands that were fun to weave through with the kayak, minus the spider webs to the face.  Crazy thing about Oklahoma is that the bugs are all on steroids.  Mayflies are about an inch to an inch and a half long and they aren't the delicate little flies I am used to, these bad boys are beefy and fugly.  The sounds of bugs in the trees is near deafening, the forest in general here is obnoxious.   Constant noise, sounds like a jungle. 

Having spent a full workday out on the lake I was sunburnt...  8 hours of sunshine is A LOT of sunshine.  I even brought the the sunscreen with me.  But it was like fighting a forest fire with a fire extinguisher.  I was able to save my face but skin on the tops of my knees aren't going to make it...

Speaking of forest fires looks like I got out of Colorado just in time!  Sad deal.  I passed those houses that are on fire right now on my way in.  Crazy the difference a little time can make, that entropy it'll get you every damn time.  I am probably going to be heading out tomorrow after doing some MTB at Turkey Mountain in Tulsa, OK in the morning.  Probably be fishing the white river and camping in the Ozarks in Arkansas tomorrow night.  After that I gotta start swinging farther south so I can hit Jacksonville, North Carolina to see my cousin Kyle.  Not sure he even knows I am coming...  Probably should try and get in touch with him...,+OK&daddr=36.0993,-94.34875+to:36.0479,-94.14208+to:35.99925,-93.42353+to:35.79277,-93.11431+to:34.869,-91.29322+to:34.68346,-91.13195+to:33.64586,-86.98281+to:33.18122,-81.18488+to:32.82658,-79.83688+to:Jacksonville,+NC&hl=en&ll=36.738884,-91.230469&spn=21.455423,50.273437&sll=36.202174,-93.529358&sspn=1.354138,3.14209&geocode=FeNtKQIdiF9J-imDaY0S_O-2hzGwkksb8e6ooQ%3BFeTUJgIdMlpg-ilL39_reHbJhzFQYk0Mx5YF2w%3BFRwMJgIdgIFj-ilJDSeez2jJhzEuaqx74mHHuQ%3BFRJOJQIdVnhu-in3ToDWgKLOhzHYvZWhg-pLwQ%3BFYInIgIdOjBz-imjKuAxZivMhzFldBNNytOC4w%3BFQgPFAId3PmO-im1Fgu3T2fThzGE7xi-TK5Qgg%3BFUQ6EQId0m-R-inZqwjk_qXUhzGGD2xctK-anA%3BFSRlAQIdZr_Q-ikvxdv3wfuIiDEgpfiobJ9BJg%3BFSRO-gEdkDcp-yl7lAAFmBX5iDFpB6redJ4Vaw%3BFdTk9AEdMMk9-ynxHei483H-iDFHzoHvKZzuSQ%3BFQROEgIdH4Ji-ykjZnRyHAWpiTFBLwU_6yGPUA&oq=Owa&t=h&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=9&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&z=5


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


After getting the hell outta Dodge City, Kansas; I set off to get the hell out of Kansas in general.  I will have to admit it improved a little after Pratt, Kansas and into Wichita.  But after the sign that said, "I would turn back if I were you" I knew I wasn't going to spend the night in Kansas.  I have seen a horror film or two in my day... I know whats up.  So on to Oklahoma it was.

When I was going to school at USU I was lucky enough to work with a kid named Marcus Pratt. Who happens to be from Owasso, Oklahoma.  I am staying in his wonderful parents house as we speak (or type, really its just me typing, you are just reading, hmmm.... time for a modern idiom?).  Marcus is one of if not my best friend from college.  We had many adventures including a bear hunting trip to Montana for three weeks, and the next summer we returned to work on a ranch in Sula, Montana.  Working on that ranch was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never forget.  I even met good ole Mitt Romney on that ranch, the future almost but not quite going to win, President of the United States.  Of all my college memories I miss that year when Marcus and I were full fledged outdoors-men the most.  Meeting Marcus, I also got to meet the absolute best family I have or likely will ever meet.  The Pratt's are truly remarkable, kindness and love is not an emotion or a way of life for them it's an instinct, it's as effortless as breathing.  So when Paul Pratt said I could stay as long as I like and eat all their food and use all their recreational equipment I knew it wasn't just polite ritual, he truly meant it and truly wanted me to stay, eat, and play. 

So play I have.  After getting in early yesterday, I slept until noon in the all too comfy bed.  It was much needed, with the heat I hadn't been getting more then four hours of sleep a night in the outdoors.  I shot a long bow last night with Paul for the first time in my life and even though I had to shoot it aiming with my blind eye it turns out I am a natural.  Another hobby to get into I guess :). 

This morning I woke up dark and early and loaded up the canoe onto the ford fiesta (it's quite the sight) and went out to try my luck on Birch Lake before it got too hot.  Well after closing the garage door I realized I forgot to grab a life vest....  I also forgot to grab the sheet of paper with the garage door code on it.  So I went to Wal-Mart bought my license and returned to try and get into the house...  Like a bear in hibernation there was no waking Paul.  I knocked, I rang, I called, but he was deep in slumber and it was of no use.  So I sat out on the front porch for over two hours and watched the sun go from just dancing beams of light through the trees to sitting high on its throne.  Without AC the sun is a cruel king down south...  Finally, after hours Paul awoke to the sound of my call.  He gave me the code, apologizing the entire time even though my haste was the one to blame.  I hurriedly grabbed everything I needed and headed out onto the road enthusiasm undeterred by the mornings misfortunes.  I chose a closer destination though to maximize my time before it got unbearably hot.  Lake Oolagah.  The scenery was good the lake was large, muddy, and full of coves.  Everything I imagined Oklahoma lakes would be.  I tried every lure I had and didn't get a single bite...  Maybe bass fishing isn't my thing?  I had a great day paddling though and got to see a large bobcat limping along the lake with a broken leg.  It was whining just like a dejected house cat and I wished for a gun, lethal or tranq,  to put the animal down or get fixed up more then anything in the world.  Far to beautiful of an animal for the fate that awaits it...  Tomorrow, I will wake up dark and early again and this time it is Birch Lake or bust!

Lets try that again

Bobcat with a broken leg. Kayaking Lake oolagah, Oklahoma.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kansas Karaoke

Can't believe I am posting this.  Ha someone better get a good laugh out of it.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dodge City

I know you all couldn't sleep last night because you were wondering how the white drum/mystery fish was.... So I will no longer delay feeding you baby birds. Was it edible? In the sense that I could chew it up and swallow it, yes. Should it be eaten? Absolutely not. Did I finish it? Yes, but only because I killed it and was way way hungry. Why was it so bad? For one it was a big fish that yielded almost no meat and for the other it's texture was rubbery and it was fishy in a bad way... I burnt one fillet and it was a little better, but burning it to pure carbon would have been tastier. Are all Mexican's liars? No, but the one who told me that fish was good sure was. Am I going to do this entire update in question answer format? Yes, because I feel like it. Do I hate Kansas? You're damn right I do. Only been through a little of it but so far it blows both figuratively and literally. Also, a little known history fact. Ready? Ok, so the Gunfight at OK corral killed all the white people in Dodge City. Crazy right? And their descendants have never returned until me... I am pretty sure that I may be hung for a criminal lack of melanin. Can't wait to get the hell outta Dodge! I am doing laundry right now and i have to swing into a saloon, have a shot of whiskey- preferably warm - spit on the floor, walk outta the swinging doors bull legged and jump on my bike like its a horse and say Gitty up and pedal away... Why? Because I'm in gosh damn dodge city, Kansas. Told you I was going to do this whole post QA style didn't I? Yes i did.

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Roadside lunch

"new" backpacking stove. 1980s Coleman with fuel and multi purpose case 25$

Had it with setting up the tent.

17.5 inch cuttbow he was delicious for lunch. Caught on a parachute Adams.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Out of the Pike

Finally left the Pike National forest. Since I last blogged, I got to enjoy one of the premier trout streams in the nation the south fork of the platte. It didn't disappoint. I caught my first fish with a streamer and it was a nice brown. Best part of this river is that it was mostly sight fishing in clear mountain water. Sight fishing has its challenges an you have to be sneaky and can't afford a miscast or to lay the fly down too hard. But there is nothing cooler then watching a fish blow up your fly! All fish had to be better then 16 to eat and the smallest one I caught was 14. Biggest was 17.5 but the "one that got away" was 20+ but with no net and swift water I couldn't bring it in. Caught fish on caddis, parachute Adams and one on an olive streamer. The Adams did most of the work especially this morning. Ate the keepers for dinner and lunch today. Only kept what I could eat in within an hour. Last night I forewent the tent an just crashed on the ground in the forest. Still slept hot! It was 109 when I rolled into the reservoir. Oh ya the reservoir! I was going to make it too Dodge City, Kansas tonight but stopped at this reservoir on the way called John Martins reservoir just to see it. Then they had me at shower and laundry. So here I am sipping on beer and catching white drum and channel cats. Caught three while writing this... Life is good today.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Pike National Forest

Got in last night and was excited to fish this lake in the middle of the National Forest... It's a private lake. Wtf? But I ha to sleep so I laid down by the trailhead for the Colorado trail. Last night was very windy and no mummy bag can contain me, so I didn't sleep a lot but I feel fresh anyway. Woke up at 5 and hopped on the bike and rode a little section of the Colorado trail. Favorite ride so far. It's loose but whipping through the pines and it's roller coaster grade is awesome. Headed a little south to try and find some fishing... This has to be the most privately owned "national" forest i have been in. But camping was free! Don't know if I'll have service later but if I do I'll let you know how the fishing goes

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

First video!

Ok I need any tips any of you with gopro's have to make this look better.  I would like it to take up the entire screen and look more flat instead of bent at the edges.  Enjoy the nut shot.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Revenge of Green Mountain

Today we got lucky with some great weather.  High's in the high 70's.  My kinda climate!  We went to breakfast at a local restaurant Tapatio and I had my first real Colorado green chile burrito...  It was awesome.  The Burrito was just a Burrito but I am a big fan of green chile smothering.  Do not confuse it with chile verde.  Locals don't like it.  Plus its not green its orange. 

Anyway after overeating we digested until deciding to get revenge of green mountain.  We headed up the trail the right direction this time but though easier our legs were just not co-operating.  After the 7 miles of Moab trails, 7 more of Colorado, and a 2 mile hike, in the last three days 7 more miles found my legs just not having the umphhh they had, but regardless we made it to the top and got to enjoy the fruits of our labors proper.  Took some go pro footage but still can't get it your way.  But it's seriously coming.  Nothing too extreme but some good speed and me getting distracted by wildlife.  Even at twenty something on single track, the hunter in me can apparently still spot a deer.

Need to move on but really just want to go into these mountains and live off the land for awhile.  The fishing is supposed to be great.  I am definitely enjoying the area.  Also, no one works in Colorado.   All recreation areas are busy even during the week days and everyone has nice shit.  There is a money tree in Colorado I just know it and I WILL find it.  No secret is safe Coloradinians! (Coloradins? Coloradon's? Coloradites? Colorad-tards?)

Lost Lake and Boulder Colorado

Woke up late again...  But we were able to get some job apps in - not for me of course I am happily retired - and still have enough time to head up to Boulder, CO for some hiking and brew tasting.  We went up Canyon Road to Nederland then to Hessie Trailhead to go to Lost Lake.  It was a super easy, 2 mile if your in a passenger car or 1.5 mile if you have an SUV hike with about an 800ish elevation gain.  The trail was nice with a waterfall and lots of wildflowers in route.  The lake was nice and I saw a bunch of fish jumping, as well as pikas. 

I want to go camping at some of the deeper lakes in the wilderness area.  They require permits to enter and camp but I don't think that they will be hard to obtain.  The fishing should be good and from the looks of fish behavior at Lost Lake easy enough to catch.  One major problem I am starting to see is time....  I want to be in New York by July 4th....  But I also could explore these lakes and mountains forever.  Think I'll just get to New York late maybe mid Julyish?

One thing is for certain I need to get out of the comfort of Clint's abode.  It would be easy to get complacent as well as overstay my welcome.  The latter is coming up fast.  So tomorrow I will be back camping under the stars regardless of whether I stick around or head east.

Fishing licenses for non-residence in Colorado are pretty damn reasonable.  $21 for a 5 day license.  So I need to capitalize on this. Here are some photos from the lost lake hike.


Monday, June 18, 2012

We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard

Woke up a little late this morning (8 o'clock). But we still stuck with our plans and went mountain biking at Green Mountain which in reality wasn't very green. It was a magically shadeless mountain. Seriously how can you have different sides and slopes but no shade? Riddle me that. Anyway we were cruising along the trail when we came to the realization that we were definitely doing the loop backwards. That's when Clint remembered reading that we were supposed to ride it counter clockwise. Which we naturally weren't. The epic intermittent hike a bike on the sunny side in the very very dry 90s and me being the only one who brought water got a little scary for the last 1/2 mile when we stopped sweating. After a killer uphill the downhill was pretty short... We couldn't have done the loop worse. But still a fun day with some good laughs and inspirational speeches. I'd like to credit late president Kennedy for the Moon speech. After that it was a Ton of water, a couple beers and a well deserved rest. I look forward to doing this trail the right direction though because what we went up would be awesome to go down.

Getting gopro footage to the web has still escaped my clutches. I have Mike Lund on it so hopefully it'll be out soon provided he is not providing Hunter with more cellphone footage.

Oh also I think I have fixed the commenting issue.  Still don't know if subscription by e-mail is working.  Some of you have said that you subscribed but I have nothing on this end.  If it is working let me know.

Peace out and goodnight!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The bear

I am safely in Denver with Clint the bear Cook. I-70 was gorgeous. Most beautiful road I have traveled. Many cars died going over the pass but not the fiesta. The huge number of beetle kills and already low water levels was terrifying. It's going to be an unreal fire year. I got stuck in two hours of traffic in the canyon though but no better place to be stuck right? No Internet for the computer so no mtb videos for now but they turned out pretty good. Excited about the go pro for sure. You get a great shadow shot of me getting nutted. Hopefully I'll be online soon.

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So far

Finally hit the road for real Saturday around 1. I met the family for lunch at Lorena's which was great. Got to say goodbye to the nieces and the rest of the family. Definitely the hardest part is going to be missing a summer with my family. Especially my dad and grandpa. Happy fathers day! Stayed at big bend last night and rode Klondike bluff trail and Dino trail bright and early. Still got hotter then the hinges of hell! It was 90 by 9 am. The trails humbled the shit outta me and sand can go to hell. Headed straight out from there. The fiesta is flat out killing it on the mpg's even bike and cargoed upon getting 37-38. That said I have had favorable winds and have been south bound. From moab to Denver on the 70 I was able to develop a symbiotic relationship with a convoy of speeding truckers. I would draft off them and when they needed to change lands I'd cut over and run interference. Lost them here in eagle though I had to grab some grub. God speed boys. Almost to Denver!

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Klondike bluff... Video coming soon. My bike hits the ground... A lot.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Night

We are going to do this to one song and one song only

The hair cut is tight...  Sooo tight.  We couldn't find a number three so we went with a two.  In doing so I unknowingly took a vow of celibacy for at least the next month.  I look like a giant shot out baby after the buzz.  My dad did say that I might get perks for surviving my fight with cancer. But regardless of my aesthetics it is time to be moving on and we are going to do that to one song and one song only.

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Sent from my iPhone

We are going to do this to one song and one song only

Taking a little off the top

Everything is organized to the best of my abilities and ready to be loaded up. Just have to let my dad give me a haircut with the horse shears. What could possibly go wrong? But I have to go low maintenance and save that paper. Photos of the fiesta ready for the voyage coming soon.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Maiden Post 6/14/2012

Hello, blogosphere.  I have no idea what I am doing in creating this blog so please bare with this format until I get it all figured out.  However, setting up this blog sure feels like a flash back to my angsty MySpace days.  Ultimately I want to have different tabs so I can organize the blog into beer reviews, biking, videos, photos, gear etc....  But until I get that figured out this stream will have to do (any tips are encouraged).  I also looked at a couple blogs to help me out.  I found some cool ideas from the Tanner blog (and found out that dividing it into subcategories was possible) RIP Tanner you may be gone but not forgotten.  I also looked at Mr. Rudes blog to get a good idea of how bad a blog can be.  It is the worst.  So I would like to thank zombie Tanner and Bryan for the contrast.

Today I went to REI to pick up some trip essentials.  Let's just say that preparing for radness is not cheap.  It hurt so bad, but for my kidney I was able to purchase a sleeping pad, water purifier, nalgene, headlamp, and a GoPro Hero 2.  The last one hurt the most.  But a wise man once said, "If your getting rad and no one is there to see it, did you really get rad?"  So I had to.  If I don't record my adventures it is like it never happened.  I can't have that.  Also what is the point in doing something awesome if you can't rub it in your friends faces?