Monday, July 16, 2012


This weekend was a tough one.  I gotta a lil drunk a couple nights and one day a lil meant a lot.  Night one was at a little bar in Piseco called the Oxbow.  It is pretty much like any other bar in a tiny semi-tourist town.  I kept myself together pretty well that night.  The next night I was at a logger festival in Tupper, New York.  I felt obligated to drink heavily in such an environment.  Part of my blend in with the locals survival strategy, but I feel I passed the locals up around 9 pm eastern time.  I cannot tell you how much I have not missed hangovers or making a fool of myself.  Bryan and I had rolled into the logger festival after having played 18 excellent holes of golf and where feeling pretty impressive already.  Then it was obviously time for some peppermint schnaps at the festival.  When you can't brush drink schnaps, its what 4/5 dentist recommend.  Fast forward past the fuzzier parts of the night and I was going for a late night jog by myself to the Trails End bar.  I never go quietly into the night.  All is well that ends well and I woke up feeling like a zombie, but I woke up where I was supposed to.  To prevent a few comments from my Mom, Grandma, and Aunt.  No driving was done during any of this.  We put some miles on our feet like responsible somewhat adults.  I apparently have learned from Mike and become a drunk jogger.  Though, my jogs are maybe a mile.  His are cross-county marathons.  Sunday, morning was rough.  But, I powered through and some water, swimming, coffee, and breakfast had me feeling human again.

Bryan's friend Austin whose cabin we were staying at in Tupper Lake, girlfriend's parents had invited us out to go boating with them.  <--Just try and figure out who was the subject in that botched sentence?  They may have been one of the coolest parents I have ever met.  They weren't all over you but they were still nice and cordial.  Everyone was adults and was treated accordingly.  They drove us around the lake and we did some wake boarding.  I haven't wake boarded in 5 years and had only been one time.  I did pretty good if I must say so myself.  Which I will.  Didn't jump the wake or throw any tantrums or anything but I was turning and crossing the wake like it was my job.  I am pretty easily satisfied when it comes to water sports.  Water is not my home.  After that we did some cliff jumping and everyone pretty much destroyed their sinuses in one jump and I cut my foot right where the strap of my sandal rubs.  Could have went without the cliffs. 

 Austin, Megan, and her parents really made the trip up to Tupper worthwhile.  Could have done without the heavy drinking ha but I am slowly learning that it doesn't do it for me.  Austin is a pretty cool guy and witty banter was the norm of the weekend.  I will never live down a couple happenings of this weekend, but they are good for a laugh and that is what counts right?  I could stay here forever, but I think I have gotten the most out of my time at Bryan's parents and the surrounding area and it is time to move on.  One small problem is that so far I have been just looking at the map and picking out green spots 5-6 hours away and going to those.  Well the northeast is all one big green spot so picking out the next destination is a little harder.  Cool part is that I should be able to do some good backpacking to lakes in this region.  I do need to buy bear-spray though.  The country has been extremely dry and the berries will likely not ripen this year so there will literally be thousands of starving bears and they are already starting to cause problems.  I didn't take a single picture in Tupper and for that I apologize.  Any comments on places to go are welcome :)

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