Saturday, July 7, 2012

Playing Catch Up...

Sooo I just realized that all I have done lately is a couple beer reviews, some short stories, and a pep talk for the American people.  I have completely forgotten to keep ya'll up to date.  Last you guys know I was nearly killed at an all black bar and had a run in with some crazy racoons.  Well that was almost 5 days ago.  The day after the bar incident in Birmingham, I mostly just hung around the resort apartment of the friend's I was staying at.  I wrote the accounts you read and did a little work out in the resort gym...  Nothing worthy of this trip.  I am a little embarrassed about that day.

The next day was my Birthday and I woke up bright and early and in spite of the rain I went out to Oak Mountain State Park and did a 20 mile bike ride.  I am glad I did.  The trail was amazing.  Fun jumps, awesome rock gardens, and had a little bit of everything including excellent scenery.  There really was something for everyone. There was windy single track with some roots and little jumps for riders like me up to huge 4-5 drops and high narrow bridges for experts.  The blood rock section definitely gave me something to aspire to.  I tried it all and crashed decent a couple times.  Shows that you are pushing yourself if you get a little bloodied.  It was hot and humid and I have never sweated like that in my life.  Seriously, I have been drier under water.  After a shower to dry me up, my friend was nice enough to buy me a Thai dinner for my birthday.  It was amazing and just what I wanted.  Spicy rice noodles.  Don't know why I was craving them but I definitely was. It was a great Birthday and thanks to all those who sent their wishes.
Old homestead along the Oak Mountain trail

After that it was on the road again.  I can't really describe how much I love heading out on a new adventure.  There is so much hope and the unknown makes you feel younger and completely renewed.  Each bend in the road is a new discovery, something I have never seen before awaits.  No matter how minor they are new none the less. New sights and first get rarer with each second of your life so I cherish them.  I ended up driving almost all day and made it to my cousins in Jacksonville, NC by 12:30.  I was damn tired and went right to bed on the air mattress he had ready.  The next morning I was met with the fourth and we decided to take his little canoe out fishing.  We caught a lot of fish but only one decent sized one for eating.  So in order to make a grill out of it we went fishing at Wal-Mart.  We were met with great success.  We went fishing one more time with no luck and later set about grilling our dinner.  We  grilled corn on the cob, fresh bass, and some Wal-Mart salmon, with some bacon wrapped Jalapeno poppers for desert.  It was delicious.  Some day I will share my fish cooking secrets, but not today ;)
After the meal and two very hot weather fishing trips we were gassed and called it a night.

On the 5th we fished some more.  I had probably the largest fish of my life on my line, for about two seconds.  He hit so close to the canoe though I was still able to see him, he was an 8-10 pound largemouth.  The one that got away.  I caught tons of small-medium bass and crappie after that but having that close encounter of the monster fish kind dulled their luster.  That night I saw the most fireflies I have on this trip.  Thousands of them were flashing rapidly in the tall grasses next to the pond we were fishing.  With their lights reflecting off the water it was amazing.

After our late night fishing trip we went out to a local bar and I tried a couple new brews (see beer review section) and the bar tender oddly enough had lived in Idaho Falls for two years...  She was cute so I was super shy and awkward about talking about it...  Embarrassingly so.  All for the better I guess as later I noticed the ring.  After I noticed the ring my tongue untied itself and I was able to produce words and almost carry on a conversation.  Some day...

The next day it was on the road again.  As some of you may know I was supposed to be in upstate New York by the fourth... Ummm.  But the following weekend is pretty good too right??  I was bound and determined to make it to DC early in the day, see all I wanted to see and head out first thing Saturday.  Nothing was going to stop me...  What's that a exit for the beach?  What was I saying?

The beach of North Carolina is amazing.  I spent a good couple hours on the emerald isle, playing in the surf with all the other kids and picking up a bit more of a tan.  First time I had been to the Atlantic proper and it did not disappoint.  Then I went to a seafood restaurant for lunch.  Lunch/Dinner for one is something I have gotten pretty used to.  It started in Idaho Falls and by now I am pretty comfortable.  What I wasn't comfortable with was another cute waitress making conversation...  Also, she was sneaky and stood pretty close...  I damn near tipped over in my chair when she asked me how my snapper was...  I was intently observing the seabirds feed and she snuck right up on me. "Good, thanks!" That is really all I said for everything, was good, thanks.  I am pretty sure I said it when it didn't make sense a few times.  "What brings you to North Carolina?" Me, "Good, thanks!" smile then look away super fast. Ha I do that stuff all the time and there is no recovery once its said.  Too be fair there are times I can talk to cute girls, most of those times involve etOH, but for some reason waitresses and brief encounters like that are the hardest for me.  It's just so awkward.  I know they are acting flirty for a tip, and its not like I am going to go all original and be that guy who hits on the waitress for a date or number.  You flirt back your the creepy guy who was trying to hit on them...  You be captain awkward, well your captain awkward and well that's awkward.  I am going for sweet smooth don't care thing and I can seldom (meaning never) find it.  After the check I finally engage in conversation just for some practice at this...  Ha once I break that barrier I always kind of black out.  So after, "How do you like living in North Carolina?" I don't really remember much of what I said....  I think it usually involves a lot of talk about me, mostly because its familiar and I don't have to think, if I don't have to think hopefully I can enunciate well enough to be understood, and if I keep talking there won't be that god awful awkward silence.  I do remember asking some questions, so that must be at least a little better then my normal rambling nervousness.  One thing that I know is that I fidget A LOT and talk really fast.  By the end of it all I come back to my senses in time to hear her say she is very glad I stopped in and good luck on my trip.  Why I told you all this, I don't know.  But now you have some insight into the terror that comes with talking to new girls.  Ha the best is when I am mid-normal conversation with a girl and then realize I am interested in her.  The panic is almost tangible. 

Anyway after my day at the beach I made it all the way to Washington DC and am about to say goodnight.  So that pretty much catches you all up.  No proof-reading on this one so please don't judge and I am sure there is lots I forgot. But anyway GOODNIGHT!

PS If you love the color green the Carolina's are for you!               

1 comment:

  1. Just be yourself and they can't help but love you.
