Monday, July 2, 2012

Arkansas 2

Ok, so I was going to break down my time in Arkansas with some short stories but that is just going to have to wait...  In summary though I spent a night watching fireflies and ogling at different species of fish and bugs.  It was like I had become a kid again.  Amazing.  The next night I had a run in with some aggressive raccoons.  Shit got real.  I do realize that I was in a national park and the animals are protected.  But when you try to get into my car, bite my tent, surround me, and get within five feet of me and hiss, politics go right out the window.  This boy does not negotiate with terrorist and these furry bastards were using terrorism.  That's when humanity fights back.  Let's just say that I restored their fear of man...  It was me or them and even though I was unarmed, outnumbered, and at times outwitted by those clever buggers, I won the night.  There were casualties, KIAs, blood, sweat, and little baby raccoon tears.  If you feel bad for these little bastards all I can say is you weren't there, you don't know the shit I've seen.

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