Sunday, July 8, 2012

DC and New York

Every time I visit a monument or a landmark I end up disappointed...  I guess I am just not that into seeing something just for the sake of seeing it.  Even though DC is monument central I left very impressed.  I had kind of low expectations and they were greatly exceeded.  The buildings and monuments are so beautifully built and MASSIVE.  It's majestic and the history resonates.  The Museum of Natural History was my must see while I was in town.  It was amazing!  I am a bit of a science nerd, and I am sure I was annoying my friend while I was explaining random facts about all the exhibits to him.  It was a dream, Dinosaurs Anthropology, etc...  So awesome!  Always something new to learn no matter how much you know.  Could have spent a year there!  Air and Space was cool as well.  Never enough time.  I will definitely return.  Fun facts about DC there are tons of young people, very few hipsters, and most people were pretty fit (minus the tourist).  The lack of hipsters was refreshing after spending so much time in Salt Lake, and there were tons of cyclist just wearing whatever clothes and any bikes they wanted.  Turns out you don't have to ride a fixie to kick it in DC.  Lots of pretty rich people too.

While in the Natural History Museum my friend Bryan called me and said, "Hey! You should make it to Albany tonight to hang out!"  So I  leave wonderful DC and make the terrible 7 hr drive.  Only to find my wonderful friend MacKay there all alone.  Haha by the way tolls suck.  30 dollars later I am in Albany.  All the cash i had.  I feel like its such a Monopoly.  Also, Siri tried to get me shot in Baltimore by sending me on a wild goose chase for gas in the ghetto.  So creepy filling up a fiesta with 5 homeless people intently watching.  New Jersey is also terrible, the most expensive and massive parking lot to drive through.  It is actually funny how quickly the world gets better once you cross the Jersey border.

My first day in Albany has been a little weird.  But, I am excited to be done with any sort of deadline.  Its funny how stressful such a small obligation has been.  We always find something to be stressed about no matter how minor.  But now that I am here in New York, I am truly free.  No obligations whatsoever.  It is a new beginning on an already great adventure!

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