Monday, July 9, 2012


So it's time for me to move on from Albany, New York.  My time in Albany has been a little weird.  Albany is kinda sleepy and sad.  No offense Albanians (Also, no offense to my friend Bryan who thinks its annoying when I call Albany, Albania).  While in Albany I have had some good brews, seen sesame street streets, crack babies, and Gotham City type buildings.  All in all its been pretty good, but it is not where I long to be.  Discussions with my friend MacKay could probably never get old, for me at least, we couldn't be more different, and still agree and debate any better.  MacKay is a good debater , sound thinker and completely different.  It's nice. Regardless, tomorrow I will be leaving for something wilder and a little more adventurous.  I miss fishing for my food and not knowing where I was going to be sleeping for the night.  I rode a MTB trail in Albany and although it was a nice break from the city it was not on par or even close to what I have been spoiled with on this journey.  To find the good stuff I had to go on the "Closed trails"  I hate doing that but when it is such a fast growing biologically diverse forest like the ones out in the east I couldn't really see the harm.  I am excited to get back out in what is becoming more and more obvious "my element."  I have so many stories to tell, but I have gotten behind.  Hopefully I will catch up sometime and be able to give you all the accounts instead of just summaries.  The devil and hilarity of what I have seen and done is in the details. My last goodnight from Albany! 

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