Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

Today I am in North Carolina. 2,200 miles from home, where I started this journey 2.5 weeks ago. Along the way I have been treated with so much kindness and generosity. I have enjoyed mountain biking slick rock, pine, deciduous, and desert mountain trails. I've caught fish in everything from cold mountain streams to warm swampy lakes.  I have shared long conversations with complete strangers. I have traveled at my will, been given food and shelter from friends, and granted safe passage from state to state and town to town.

America is more than politics. We all to often forget that. America is a friendly wave from a neighbor, directions from a stranger, and the freedom to do the very thing I am doing at this moment. Sitting on a river bank soaking a worm. Because I want to. Because I can.

America is our mountains, our rivers, our forest, our coast and everything in between.  America is the people who lifted a burning car off of a stranger, the people who selflessly volunteer their time to help others, and the men and women who protect it.  America is you and me. We may not all agree on politics, but let us all agree that being an American is more than that. America is about taking care of our wild places.  America is about caring for each other and the world.

We all define this country.  Everyday we can make it great or bring it shame.  Let's make it the best it can be, by being the best we can be.   Who is in office after all is only a small part. America will always be more than that.  America is you, the American.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Glad you are able to live your dream in the land of free. Mom and Dad
