Monday, August 6, 2012

Nova Scotia

Well, I paid for a hotel room tonight so I could finally get a good nights rest, a shower, and WiFi to load up a bunch of content from the last few days.  Sadly, though for 100 dollars a night I still couldn't land WiFi that was working :(.  I am using the community computer to write this on so it is going to be short.  I really, really wanted to give you all some short stories but because of technical difficulties that will have to wait.  I was going to stay in Canada until I reached Alaska, but Canada is turning out to be far too expensive.  It is unreal how much beer, food, and gas cost here.  24 beers cost 40 dollars!  A 12 pack of Keystone light cost over 20 dollars!  Dollar menu items cost 1.50 and everything else seems to be about 30-40 percent more expensive.  That said Canada has been amazing.  The people I have met and the kindness I have been shown is unsurpassed.

Tomorrow I reach the farthest eastern point one can drive too in North America without getting on a ferry.  So, I guess that means it is time to turn around and start heading home.  Halfway through my trip and I already have enough stories to last a lifetime.  I can't wait to see what the second half will bring :)

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