Thursday, August 16, 2012


I gotta admit I was getting sick of all these trees up in my grill... I mean trees are wonderful and all but holy shit sometimes I like to be able to see more then 20 ft... Since about Georgia all I have seen is trees and rolling glacial carved hills... It's beautiful but it's been pretty much the same from there to New Brunswick. That is of course an over generalization but you get the point. I need my space and I need some more diversity...

I'm in South Dakota now and have a very good idea of where I want to go for the rest of the trip. How to get there and what to do. This is a first since Colorado! It feels amazing. Also camping will be much cheaper mostly free and easy to find.

Mountain biking will become more mountain. Hikes will become epic. Wilderness will be more wild an I'll be more rad... I can't tell you how great it feels to be back west. Deserts, forest, alpine, lakes, rivers. You name it it's here.

The east you have been great. Really you are wonderful and it's not you it's me. .. But you are kind of plain when it comes to your natural areas... Yes you have Katahdin and mount Washington but the west has Rainier and the Tetons... Your cities and history are great and I have definitely appreciated the much needed culture injection. But I need some new and that pioneering spirit. Plus it's so much cheaper out here. Your just too expensive and kinda used up. No offense...

Ah screw it I'll just say how I really feel. West coast best coast suckah's!!!!

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