Saturday, August 4, 2012

A quick update!!!

I am sorry that I have not posted for awhile.  This time it is not because I am sick but because things have been out of control crazy and awesome.  First off I am in CANADA!!!  Meaning I have no cellphone data, so I have to go to McDonalds or the like to make a post or find directions, its almost like going back to the time where we needed to plan and be competent at following directions.  Almost... 

Canada is quite the trip.  Between the accents, gas by the litre, speed limits of 110! (kilometers/hour) that absolutely no one follows, and the road signs in French,  milk for 3.00 for a liter, it really is another country.  I obviously knew it was another country but how different it would be was unknown, and its been a great experience so far.  Another reason why Canada has been such a trip is because of the people I have met in my short time here.  Coming across the border I met up with a musician and his road crew, we quickly became friends and I was invited to the show and wherever they ended up staying for the night.  The experience that follows will definitely have to be a blog piece soon.  In summary I went to an amazing show for free, partied at a closed juice shop, and eventually crashed at a fans house.  I woke up in the morning hung out with the band, listened to the funniest song I have ever heard, and was invited to finish out the tour with them.  Ha, I respectfully declined.  Part of me was definitely down to go, but most of me wanted to get out there fishing.  The band is definitely its own story, so I will save the rest for later.

My search for fishing carried me up to Miramichi, NB.    While buying a license at the Miramichi DNR office, I encountered two "lads" renewing their licenses.  They asked me where I was fishing and I answered honestly, "I have no idea?  The water?"  "The waters in the area all require a guide," the ranger aide at the desk interjected...   "Well, lad your in luck I am guide,"  Mike pipes up.  So with little introduction we all three headed out to his camp on the Northwest Miramichi River.  The rest is it's own story that I will include with the video of us swimming with giant salmon.  I still can't believe how it all worked out.  Fished for two days, stayed in a camp right on the river, ate their food, and they asked nothing from me.  Even when I offered Mike wouldn't accept even a tank of gas.  Nice lads them New Brunswick boys, real course, real course, I tell yee!

The stories keep on piling up and one of these days I will tell them, I promise.  I still have Boston, Acadia, Mount Katahdin, The Border, Band, and my Canadian red necks.  I'm sure tonight will be a story too.  Wish me luck! ;) 

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