Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The End?

I was just getting amped up for the most exciting and intense portion of my journey.  The west.  I knew what I wanted to do and my plans included some pretty amazing things.  I was back in my territory and had dreamed of doing some of these things all of my adult life.  Well just read my AMPED!!! post to see how I felt about it.  I was so excited for what awaited that I was ignoring the fact that I hadn't felt well since Chicago.  I told myself that it was just a lingering hang over from a rough night in Chicago.  If you have been following the blog you also know that during my time in New England I went through about a week of not feeling well and not posting...  What I didn't mention was that during that time I noticed a small rash on my inner thigh.  By the time I noticed the rash though my symptoms and it quickly disappeared.  Out of sight out of mind.  When I reached South Dakota the joint and muscle stiffness combined with the feeling a little bit out of it became a little harder to ignore, but I overcame this and ignored them anyway.  I did so much in those two days, I'm sure part of the reason why I hit it so hard was to show myself that I was fine.  Better than ever in fact.  In a way I was.  The sick me is still better than the me I left as, both physically and mentally.  But I learned there is a limit.

I was making my way towards Banff National Park, AB, CN when I became more tired and my knees and ankles were popping just in the motion of braking and hitting the gas...  I pulled over to a rest stop and decided to check for the rash.  It was back.  I sent some text to my doctor friend and she said that it is very possible that I have Lyme.  She made it seem like no big deal however and some antibiotics would make me right as rain.  Such a small deal that it shouldn't even slow my adventure down.  I was at a crossroads.  I was as close to home as I was going to be for a long time.  I decided to get a hotel room and spend the night in Sheridan, WY to think about it and hit up an instacare in the morning.  I did a 3-4 mile run that night once again just to prove to myself that I was okay.  The run went fine and I thought if I can do that I can continue on.  I woke up at 2 a.m. that morning and the question period was over it was time to go home and see a doctor.  So i made the long drive home.  I stopped at Maple Grove hot springs to surprise some friends and maybe do a little bear river float.  It was kind of weird to see things were just the same when so much had changed for me.  I was starting to feel the illness and the very early wake up so I knew there would be no float for me.  It was really hard to come back before I was ready.  Though I had no reason to be I kind of felt ashamed.  Like I had let myself down.  I didn't finish.  In the end this just wasn't how I wanted it to happen...

I headed straight back to Logan to the instacare clinic.  I had to ask for antibiotics because the doctor said it was probably too late.  I said well we probably should be safe and do them anyway.  She agreed and we did some blood work to confirm whether its Lyme or not.  Still waiting on that.  She did say however that I would need to follow up for several weeks to make sure it doesn't get more serious...  Good thing I didn't continue on I guess?

I headed straight home.  I felt defeated, weak, and just plain down.  This was supposed to be a happy experience coming home.  Returning triumphant and complete.  But timing is everything and this time was no where near right.  I was broken and unfinished.  It is hard to describe traveling alone in the fashion I did.  Everything is different.  Just over two months of life passed for everyone else.  For me it felt like a lifetime.  When you are doing something new and different every day.  When everyday is an adventure, a trial, and unique you catalog it different.  You are living everyday.  No repetition no lost days.  It feels like I have gained at least an extra year or two of LIFE.  It was a world and understanding in gestation and it had to be cut short.  It felt like I was on the verge of something great, something greater than myself, but now it has been stolen from me.  I am not done, I am not giving up, but what has been undone by returning to the familiar too soon cannot be recovered.  I love my family and look forward to spending time with friends, but my mind and my heart is elsewhere, camped underneath the stars wondering if that sound I hear is a bear.  Doesn't sound like the end to me?     


Friday, August 17, 2012

Last couple days (written rant style)

Yesterday afternoon I arrived at Badlands National Park in South Dakota. It's a lot like some areas in southern Utah but with more grass. The fossil dig going on and the visitor center were great. I nerded out pretty hard if I say so myself. But I was there to see some Bison in their ancestral home and after seeing some posters to please report any sightings of the swift fox I set out to find them too. Prairie dogs, bighorns, and finally Bison! Hundreds of them and they were just like cows except more tame...

They were so thick in the primitive and free camping area that I decided to take advantage of the fact that this national park lets you explore and camp anywhere in the wilderness portion as long as you are atleast a half mile from the road and out of sight. So very late in the day after giving some impromptu educational tours about the wildlife too some city dwellers (people under appreciate how awesome pronghorn are and I couldn't let them refer to them as deer, also I needed to explain why some bison were by there lonesome).  I Loaded up the pack and headed out. Not long after i headed out i spotted a very fast and very small canid running away as I made my way towards a grove of trees. It was a Swift fox score! I found the perfect campsite and quickly set up my tent so I could do a little bit of exploring before dark. In my short exploration I found two deer, a coyote, lots of nightjars, bats, as well as where I wanted to go in the morning.

I ended up sleeping outside of my tent and looking at the most amazing display of stars and the milky way that I have seen in a long long time all the while listening to the yips and howls of the coyotes.  A little buck also came within feet of my tent. Sleeping outside the tent had consequences though and  for the first time in the trip I got cold! I almost never get cold sleeping but the dew was very thick making my bag wet and the temperature dipped to about 45 degrees overnight. I wasn't too cold but I had to curl up in that bag just to get comfortable.

I officially woke up at about 6 and set out to do some exploring. I saw some monster white tail bucks and dreaded the fact that I didn't have a nice camera. I got within about 80 yards but that is still to far for the go pro. I saw 4 coyotes and another swift fox this time just trotting about 60 yards in front of me. The white tail, coyotes, and pronghorn on the park were just as wild as anywhere else.... The bison and sheep were like pets. After it started to warm up I headed back to the tent to load up and get on my way. After making my way back to the car i knew I had to head to rapid city. (I had an air filter ordered to meet me there) and had to see mount Rushmore.  Leaving the park I notified the rangers and they seemed genuinely interested in my sightings and had multiple questions for me.  It felt good :)

Mount Rushmore was awesome. But I didn't stay long I needed to get more exercise today and the presidential trail wasn't going to do it... Oh and by the way I have had the damnedest time finding stickers for my cargo carrier! Can you believe not one bumper sticker at mount Rushmore and the same with niagara! Wtf? I ended up jogging the presidential trail just because I was sick of listening to all the people bitch about the stairs... I just wanted to show them, see this isn't so bad I'm JOGGING it! Oh I did stop to look at a random mountain goat just hanging out getting high on all the patriotism. Then I set out not knowing exactly where i wanted to go, when google maps showed a peak and I was like hmmmm... So I googled it and it was the highest peak east of the Rockies.... I thought well I gotta hike that bastard then. So I did. 8 miles and two-three hours later I was done. I'm so glad I did it.   I have certainly done tougher longer hikes but The watch tower was awesome. Coolest watch tower in the world end of story. It was cooler than most castles in pretty sure. I Just had my typical pasta sides and tuna dinner and off to bed in free national forest camping. Love it!

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I gotta admit I was getting sick of all these trees up in my grill... I mean trees are wonderful and all but holy shit sometimes I like to be able to see more then 20 ft... Since about Georgia all I have seen is trees and rolling glacial carved hills... It's beautiful but it's been pretty much the same from there to New Brunswick. That is of course an over generalization but you get the point. I need my space and I need some more diversity...

I'm in South Dakota now and have a very good idea of where I want to go for the rest of the trip. How to get there and what to do. This is a first since Colorado! It feels amazing. Also camping will be much cheaper mostly free and easy to find.

Mountain biking will become more mountain. Hikes will become epic. Wilderness will be more wild an I'll be more rad... I can't tell you how great it feels to be back west. Deserts, forest, alpine, lakes, rivers. You name it it's here.

The east you have been great. Really you are wonderful and it's not you it's me. .. But you are kind of plain when it comes to your natural areas... Yes you have Katahdin and mount Washington but the west has Rainier and the Tetons... Your cities and history are great and I have definitely appreciated the much needed culture injection. But I need some new and that pioneering spirit. Plus it's so much cheaper out here. Your just too expensive and kinda used up. No offense...

Ah screw it I'll just say how I really feel. West coast best coast suckah's!!!!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another try at the video. WARNING: Explicit content

A lot of people wonder what it's like to travel alone...  This is why it is amazing, you end up making friends who can do this...  Forgive my dumb comment.  I was in shock at how well she got down like Dre!  She also was a trivia genius.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My new friend on the left. She was awesome! Obviously


No Hope!

So I have finally decided there is no hope in catching up while I'm on the road! So I'll just have to try and start anew. I just spent two nights in Chicago and it a pretty epic cultural adventure! I was able to stay at my friend Jessica's place and get the local tour. It's such a crazy world! I met Jessica 4 years ago while working on a ranch in Montana and through fb I was able to get in touch with her. With just hours of notice her and her boyfriend were happy to let me stay.

Jessica gave me the quick tour including wrigley field. Wrigley field is amazing by the way. Just looks so ole timey and everyone within a quarter mile is completely hammered so it's pretty fun to watch. Then after some awesome wings and beer we met up with her friends at Redmans. My new favorite bar. Everyone who worked there were friends with the group I was in and the people I was with practically lived there. I felt like I was in an episode of how I met your mother. It was karaoke night and it was awesome to watch. I would have sang... Honest I would have ;) but it didn't seem to be a pro country crowd and I don't know anything else well enough... And I was being a baby. But with the talent in the group I was in I couldn't follow acts like the one I'm about to post! After karaoke it got a little fuzzy for me... But I became best friends with this one guy and his girlfriend and I had an email from him with our thug picture waiting for me in the morning. Why he went with email and not text I cannot know. I don't even remember what we talked about but I have a feeling we were going to start a gubernational entertainment company not so different from step brothers prestige worldwide. Then I woke up on a couch... Day one in Chicago complete....

Day two was a little rough but I pushed through it and it was time to play some trivia with my new friends at my new favorite bar where everyone knows your name. Trivia was going great and we had a little culture trivia Einstein in our group so with her and the combined knowledge of the diverse group we won it all!!!

Not everyone loses with grace and the second or third place team was disqualified at the end for using phones and then they just started screaming at our group... At this point we didn't know we had won and we didn't know that they had been disqualified so there was a great deal of confusion at why this group of people was flipping chairs and yelling at us... Some people take trivia way to seriously... Especially considering that the winnings, split between all of us, were 5 dollars each and a free shot. It was crazy! Thought I was going to have a fist fight on my hands and at the time I had no idea why! That's Chicago for ya I guess? I had such a fun time though and I want to live in that bar.

Chicago complete now I'm going to go see lambeau field!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 10, 2012

Canada in pictures

Photos from CANADA!!!

Improvised concert around a Campfire in St. Johns.

Ya there was a dude with an awesome joe dirt mullet fire dancing there too...  You can't make this shit up.

Quebec is beautiful...  But weird.
Panning for gold in Northern New Brunswick :)
Saying goodbye to the New Brunswick Lads.
Bay of Fundy, most extreme tides in the world!
Marina concert in St. Johns.

Boat concert in the Bay, St Johns.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


The Canada Border Boogie
I sat at the side of the road next to the on ramps of I-95, east of Millonocket, Maine.  My options were northeast to New Brunswick, or southwest straight to Quebec City.  My earlier attempt to split the distance was thwarted by my crass try at smuggling a bicycle into the North Maine woods.  I was at a crossroads. Do I go the short cheaper route to Quebec, save myself some time and money, or do I go northeast and venture bravely onward?  I decided to call Clint Cook. After all, there is no better way to make this kind of decision than to call someone who couldn’t care less.  I would have called my friend Dave but his apathy is so severe that he wouldn’t have even picked up the phone…  No, Clint was just the man for the job, completely unbiased, but with just the right level of give a damn to muster up an answer.

We chatted for awhile and Clint really wasn’t much help, but he did say that New Brunswick had a cool name.  That wasn’t much but the man was right.  New Brunswick has a nice ring to it. This was enough for me and the decision was made to head northeast.  I got to the border in better time than I expected and was optimistic about finding a good campsite before dark.  Canada and the U.S. are friends after all and this crossing should be a breeze, right? I pulled up a little nervous because I just realized I had never signed my passport.  The sawed-off little border patrol agent at the gate was all business and started rattling off questions…  This was already more than I had planned on and I looked like a deer in the headlights.  After he had sufficiently demeaned me enough to make him feel like a man of normal height he had me pull into gate 5.  A female border agent asked me politely to get out of my car and step to the front.  Then the typical questions I was expecting started: guns, bombs, nukes, piranhas, drugs, and alcohol.  I answered all of those with confidence and was starting to feel pretty good.  They had the dog come up to the car and the handler asked me if I owned any firearms and to list them…  Now, if you are ever crossing a border you want to try to keep this section down to under 5 minutes.  I did not.  After the first several minutes he asked me to just narrow it down to pistols.  After naming those he looked at me like, who in the HELL are you??  I know I don’t have to justify my armory to my readers as I am sure all of you are aware of the inevitability of the zombie apocalypse and the need for preparedness.  This Canadian agent however, was less than impressed.  Enjoy being zombie food buck-o.  

The slightly chubby yellow lab that the border lady kept calling a golden retriever was quick and satisfied with my car in less than a minute.  It was everything I could do not to yell, “It’s a BLEEPING yellow lab LADY!”  However, I restrained myself and probably deserve a gold star.  The dog was happy so I was given my passport, a piece of paper, and told to go inside and talk to the person at the desk.  Well... That wasn’t so bad I thought.  I went in, handed over my paper with a smile and the lovely lady behind the desk pointed to some chairs and asked me to have a seat until an agent comes to see me.  Damn…  There was already a couple people sitting down and they looked like they had been there for a minute or sixty.  One was a large friendly bear of a man and the other was his non-threatening slight built spectacled side kick.  I am not sure who started into conversation but our similar plight gave ample subject matter and the conversation came easy.    Zach was the large man’s name and he was a musician on tour and the little guy was Sam his friend/manager.  It was starting to get late and I was getting nervous about finding a place to spend the night.  I shared my plight and Zach said I should come to the show and just crash with them for the night.  At this point Zach told me his music was just a lot of “ishes” of different types of music…  Ya, he really didn’t sell it all that well but I did need a place to sleep and I couldn't turn down all the potential life points.  I finally made it through the border after a long interview with the agent about my financial situation and the fact that I did not have a travel plan.  Probably should have seen the how long and where are you going questions coming.  BUT…  Anyway, I finally headed off to Fredericton to meet the boys at Nicky Zee’s.  I was going to meet a band.  I couldn't help but feel like the coolest kid in school the entire drive.

I couldn’t help but fell a little awkward when I pulled up to Nicky Zee’s.  This entire trip I have been hearing the “One of these things is not like the other” song in my head and even though it was getting dimmer, I was certainly hearing it now.   The first member of the group I saw when I walked up the stairs was Kyle.  Kyle was a bearded redhead who I later found out was the merchandise salesman of the group.  I had only met Kyle very briefly at the border but I was most comfortable with him and Sam, so I was glad that I saw him first.  “Ohh, whats up man, you made it…”  In that slow relaxed tone that only hippies and surfers possess.   I answered with an awkward , what kinda handshake we going to do here? type handshake.  You know the ones where you don’t know if you’re going to bring it in or do a transfer to a knuckle and so each person just kinda wiggles their arm and body awkwardly?  Ya, that’s what we did.  It was awesome.  After that start I did the surest thing I could think of to win their good graces.  I asked if they needed any help.   They were pretty much all done with what looked like a very complicated set up and I was only able to help set up the merchandise desk and pick a few things up.  After that I just kind of hung out with Sam and Kyle and we pretty much beat the border crossing conversation too death.  At this point luckily the beers I was getting for cheap because the bar tender thought I was with the band were doing what they are supposed to do and I began to loosen up.  People were just starting to pile in and immediately “One of these things is not like the other” began playing louder.  The crowd was all hippies.  I am not talking about those wanna be hippy hipsters we have in Utah, I am talking about the real deal.  Dreads, beads, marijuana, possible LSD, and body odor filled the dance floor.  After having camped for the last week and hiking around 20 miles, biking about 15, and only having bathed in Creeks, I at least probably fit one of the criteria.  So I had that going for me, which is nice.  I also had a nasty beard which has its own story and is magic to help me out. I will tell that story later.  Anyway, about this time Zach started doing his thing…  I was instantly blown away.  His description of a lot of “ishes” really undersold his talent.  It was music I would have never listened to on my own but his gift was undeniable.  He mixed everything live and did all his own percussion and beats with beat boxing and a keyboard type drum set up, all the while singing and playing the guitar.  It was amazing to watch.  Best of all it was funky music even a white person can dance too.  I wish I was more musically inclined so my description could better do it justice, but sadly I am not and I will just sum it up as being an incredible live experience. 

By this time I had noticed a few surprisingly attractive hippy to hippyish girls in the place.  I debated whether to approach but decided against it. After all I was completely unfamiliar with hippy mating and courtship rituals.  The queen of the girls on the floor went up to Kyle and whispered something in his ear.  He simply nodded yes.  I had to investigate.  I went over to Kyle and without asking he told me she invited us to party with her and her friends after the show.  The way he said it made it clear that I was part of “us” meaning the band crew, and Zach Deputy, and I.   I felt pretty badass at this moment.  After the amazing show it was my time to do my part to earn whatever was in store for the night.  I didn’t know anything about the set up, what was what, what went where, but if there is one thing I can do its pick things up and put them down.  So I picked things up and put them down like a pro.  The crew was grateful and I scored a cd and a sticker.  When it was time to go to the after party I was waved over with them.  Score.  We were escorted by a lovely yet over-pierced woman of about my age to a hip little closed juice shop called Nirvana in downtown Fredericton, NB and ushered inside.

I would love to say that I got crazy, hurricaned, stole the show, or even just got drunk enough to be my mildly extroverted alter ego.   But, that would be a lie.  I was tired and by this point sober.  I had just hiked Maine’s highest peak the day prior and had been waking up at 5 or earlier and going to bed at dark.  It was about 3 AM at this point and it was way past my bedtime. I didn’t pull a Bryan and fall asleep on a stool or anything but I was definitely in chill mode and just kinda sat back and enjoyed reflecting on the moments as they came.  Here, I was first night in Canada and I am in a closed juice shop partying with people I had never met.  It was the definition of surreal. 

I tried the organic gluten free treats and made casual conversation with people who our only thing in common was our disinterest in the other.  I couldn’t make myself care about gluten, pottery, and opening up organic juice shops, any more then they could overlook that I was ex-corporate, and travelling in my bought and paid for car.  So lamestream, I guess I should have hitched?  Somehow though it was still pleasant and I just relished in being in a closed shop downtown nursing a beer, surrounded with people I would never meet otherwise.  I did manage getting one collective laugh out of the bunch when I asked for the Wi-Fi password and she said, “wellness” and I looked around at the environment and sarcastically said “Oh, of course it is.”  It was a timing joke and I don’t expect it to translate.  The exception to all of this was Sam.  Sam genuinely was interested in my stories and had interesting road stories of his own to share.  Sam wasn’t too cool for school so to speak. 

The time to go finally arrived and our little juice shop friend invited us over to her place to crash for the night.  I followed them to her nice little apartment grabbed my bed roll and bag and occupied the last available piece of empty floor.  My plot was on the kitchen floor and this place was pretty gross.  She had a couple cats and they pretty much had the run of the place.  Regardless, I was thankful for a roof over my head; at this point it had begun to rain heavily and I was glad I wasn’t camping.  A few winks and sneezes caused by the damn cats and I was fast asleep.

I slept all the way until 9 AM.  I got three and half hours.  Yay!!! I hopped up on the couch in the pseudo green room and just sat and watched the rain come pouring down.  The pitter-patter put me back to sleep and I stole another hour until Jen (the pierced girl) came in and said something about going to grab some coffee.  I said, “sure, coffee sounds great thanks!”  When she kind of just sat there expectantly, I realized I was the one who was really going to grab coffee.  She didn’t have a car.  I should have seen that coming.  We gathered up some cash and by that I mean 2 dollar coins called loonies or are those ones the toonies?  Anyway it is of no matter, we went out to the car in the pouring rain to go pick up the coffee.  Taylor Swift came on just before she got in the car and I hurried and turned it off hoping she hadn’t heard a note of it…  I didn’t know too much about hippies but one thing I did suspect is that they are, how should I put it? Snobs?  They seem very particular about food, beer, style, lifestyle, and especially the arts.  Not too mention my fondness for Taylor Swift is slightly embarrassing in every crowd.  So not wanting to risk playing bad music I played nothing at all and allowed the awkward silence to fill the car.  Jen didn’t seem too keen on me so the awkwardness counted double.

In the coffee shop I half successfully pretended to know something about coffee, and we made it back to a hero’s welcome. The ordeal was entirely worth it when I got to sit back, sip on some joe, and watch Zach pick up a banjo, an instrument he didn’t really know if he could play, and whip out song after song.  The one about a lesbian Russian who certainly didn’t sound too lesbian, was probably the funniest song I had ever heard and the the heavy rain accented the banjo perfectly.  I may never be that relaxed in an uncomfortable setting again and I made sure to savor it. 

The impromptu show ended and I was beginning to feel more at ease but I knew it was time for me to be moving on.  Jen made us a great breakfast after asking if we all ate eggs....  You kidding me?  I was about five minutes away from grilling up the squirrel outside the window.  Of course I eat eggs!?  In the immortal words of  Tracy Morgan, "Who da hell don't!?"  Sam and Kyle said that I should just follow them and finish the tour but I, paranoid about overstaying my welcome and wanting to fish, said I would just catch them later.  I didn’t really mean it at the time but it turned out to be prophetic and what happened in between my second adventure with Zach Deputy and Co. is its own equally unique story.  To be continued.... :)  Wow...  This is a long post I am probably the only one to see the bottom of it.  But I had to get it down before it was forgot.     

Monday, August 6, 2012

Nova Scotia

Well, I paid for a hotel room tonight so I could finally get a good nights rest, a shower, and WiFi to load up a bunch of content from the last few days.  Sadly, though for 100 dollars a night I still couldn't land WiFi that was working :(.  I am using the community computer to write this on so it is going to be short.  I really, really wanted to give you all some short stories but because of technical difficulties that will have to wait.  I was going to stay in Canada until I reached Alaska, but Canada is turning out to be far too expensive.  It is unreal how much beer, food, and gas cost here.  24 beers cost 40 dollars!  A 12 pack of Keystone light cost over 20 dollars!  Dollar menu items cost 1.50 and everything else seems to be about 30-40 percent more expensive.  That said Canada has been amazing.  The people I have met and the kindness I have been shown is unsurpassed.

Tomorrow I reach the farthest eastern point one can drive too in North America without getting on a ferry.  So, I guess that means it is time to turn around and start heading home.  Halfway through my trip and I already have enough stories to last a lifetime.  I can't wait to see what the second half will bring :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A quick update!!!

I am sorry that I have not posted for awhile.  This time it is not because I am sick but because things have been out of control crazy and awesome.  First off I am in CANADA!!!  Meaning I have no cellphone data, so I have to go to McDonalds or the like to make a post or find directions, its almost like going back to the time where we needed to plan and be competent at following directions.  Almost... 

Canada is quite the trip.  Between the accents, gas by the litre, speed limits of 110! (kilometers/hour) that absolutely no one follows, and the road signs in French,  milk for 3.00 for a liter, it really is another country.  I obviously knew it was another country but how different it would be was unknown, and its been a great experience so far.  Another reason why Canada has been such a trip is because of the people I have met in my short time here.  Coming across the border I met up with a musician and his road crew, we quickly became friends and I was invited to the show and wherever they ended up staying for the night.  The experience that follows will definitely have to be a blog piece soon.  In summary I went to an amazing show for free, partied at a closed juice shop, and eventually crashed at a fans house.  I woke up in the morning hung out with the band, listened to the funniest song I have ever heard, and was invited to finish out the tour with them.  Ha, I respectfully declined.  Part of me was definitely down to go, but most of me wanted to get out there fishing.  The band is definitely its own story, so I will save the rest for later.

My search for fishing carried me up to Miramichi, NB.    While buying a license at the Miramichi DNR office, I encountered two "lads" renewing their licenses.  They asked me where I was fishing and I answered honestly, "I have no idea?  The water?"  "The waters in the area all require a guide," the ranger aide at the desk interjected...   "Well, lad your in luck I am guide,"  Mike pipes up.  So with little introduction we all three headed out to his camp on the Northwest Miramichi River.  The rest is it's own story that I will include with the video of us swimming with giant salmon.  I still can't believe how it all worked out.  Fished for two days, stayed in a camp right on the river, ate their food, and they asked nothing from me.  Even when I offered Mike wouldn't accept even a tank of gas.  Nice lads them New Brunswick boys, real course, real course, I tell yee!

The stories keep on piling up and one of these days I will tell them, I promise.  I still have Boston, Acadia, Mount Katahdin, The Border, Band, and my Canadian red necks.  I'm sure tonight will be a story too.  Wish me luck! ;)