Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I haven't been blogging.  Obviously.  But today I was like wait just a damn a minute, "You still live a pretty damn interesting life and people need you... Stop being selfish."  I know that I sometimes live through my facebook friends and their cute little babies and families.  And I know those people need me, too.  When that baby pukes on you...  When they just won't listen.  When your wife keeps saying, "listen.... listen..... listen..... listen.....listen....listen...." or "look at the baby... look at the baby.... Why aren't you looking at your baby? Is it because you think i look fat in these pants?  I HATE you..."  Or you may look at your husband from time to time and think, "Gosh, I'm bored."  When you wake up at 6 am and go to that job that you f*cking hate.  When you ask yourself when did it come to this?  I'll be there.  Carrying the torch of freedom.  Unshackled, unburdened, and keepin on.  Keepin on for all those who can't.

I admittedly have been down and out, lately...  Playing video games, working, stuffing my face with this new found abundance of food, and being basically the worst.  But upon reflection my last two weeks still have been pretty interesting even if I haven't been a complete nomad...

I was in a movie...  Ya, random I know.  Am I an actor?  Absolutely not.  Do I live a random life and know a lot of interesting people? Yes.  My friend Marcus from USU through an odd chain of events ended up helping produce a short film.  It was a western and they had two horses bail out last minute.  Insert me.  I happened to have a good horse available and I always say yes to an adventure, so last minute I loaded up Oppie and headed out to White Rocks, Skull Valley, UT.  I made it out there just before dark the night before the shoot.  It was a long damn ways.  First thing I see is a middle aged man just standing there in a breechclout.  Yes, I thought at first that it was a loincloth but this wasn't the last time we would all be treated with this sight and he explained the difference in detail the second time.  Thank you for that crazy old man.  He was under the canopy, with a bunch of other ordinarily clothed people and he was as comfortable as can be.  Gotta respect him for that.  He also had an awesome beard mustache combo and was overall best summed up as a half crazy badass.   There were 4 girls at the "encampment" and they might have been thee most annoying collection of people I have ever met.  Well, up to that point.  This would be outdone by just one person the next day.   This one guy was probably 30 and acted like a 14 year old and reminded everyone that he was mormon every five seconds...  We didn't get along so well, but our quarrels definitely made the more boring part of the day more interesting.  Plus I got to kick him to the ground.  It was incredibly rewarding.

I said a quick hello to my good buddy Marcus, ate a quick meal, went through introductions, and crawled into the back of the truck to sleep for the night.  Mind you this was the peak of me feeling sick.  I was not doing well.  My horse made sure that I did not sleep more than an hour that night.  He was whinnying all night, and just completely restless.  He is a dominant horse, and he wanted at the other horses brought by the crazy cowboy/indian guy.  So at 4:30 AM my day started.  My horse wouldn't be needed until 7 but I couldn't sleep and neither could he.  I was worried that he wouldn't act well around new horses and the way he was up to this point had me thinking that my horse was about to embarrass me.  Time to wear him down.  I saddled him up and as soon as it got light enough to see I started riding.  I ran him up and down the road and up to the other horses and away. Close and away. Close and away.  I repeated this time and time again until he quit throwing a big fit about leaving the other horses.  After about an hour he was automatic.  Maybe he won't embarrass me afterall.

The sun took longer too arrive then the director thought and the shoot was now over an hour behind schedule.  This is when I was asked if someone who has never been on a horse could ride my horse backwards.  Any of you with horses have to know how funny this proposition is.  For those who don't its basically the equivalent of someone asking if there 14 year old can take your car on the free way.  I don't know how much plot I can give away so I'll just say I stunt doubled for a 5'5 mexican guy.

I also had a role as a bandit.  Ya.  My face is on the big screen (provided any festivals pick this thing up)...  I always thought that if I ever had to act I would always just look at the camera.  But, it turns out that I am pretty decent.  Especially if I am playing a role I have played since infancy... A cowboy.  It came natural.  Almost too natural.  Ha the main character was a slow draw and as a bad guy I was destined to lose.  It was hard to draw slow...  As a gun enthusiast I have a pretty quick draw.  Everything in me wanted to win.  But I was scripted to lose.  So I did so.  And died valiantly.   I also had a part later in the movie.  Or earlier its tough to say they don't shoot these things chronologically.  But again I don't know how much I can say.  Anyway my horse outdoes me in appearances and he does awesome!!!  I mean he really steals the show in my unbiased opinion ;)

FYI when I make it big I won't forget all you little people out there ;)
Ryan Hibler
Animal Handler
Stunt rider   

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